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Student Links

Touch Typing: Grades 2-6
All students should practice their typing skills at least 3 days per week for 20-30 minutes at a time. If you do not have a computer at home, please visit the public library. You may use either a typing program for practice or you may use this web site.
First in Math is a website with great math games. BCM has purchased usernames and passwords for all students. Each student will have some time to get familiar with the program in school (classroom and computer lab), however they need to spend time at home, public library, or at a relatives house using the web site.
The more your student can play, the better their math skills will get!
Keep playing! Keep earning stickers & other great rewards!

Multiplication Practice: Grades 2-6
This game is a free download. It will allow students to practice their multiplication facts (2s – 12s). We can track your child’s progress here at school. No matter how old your student is, continuing to review and practice these basic facts is very helpful to your student.
When you click the link below, you will see a red link for Windows computers and a blue link for Mac computers. Click the appropriate link for the computer you have to download the program.
*The password is: student

Math Practice & More: Grades K-6
Fact Monster is a great site for kids. This is a link to their math games, but they have many other valuable resources for kids to help with Social Studies, Science and more.

Letter & Reading Practice: Grades Pre-K – 2
This web site has a wide variety of activities, and stories which allow your student to practice everything from letter sounds to stories that help your student build the necessary components to become a successful reader. If your child is reading a story, and they do not know the word, they can simply click on the word and the program will sound it out for them.
California Department of Education – State Testing (CST/STAR)
This link is to the practice tests for the annual state testing. Students should have a blank sheet of paper, pencil and eraser to practice for the test. Students should do a few problems each day, and check their answers (at the end of the test). If an answer is incorrect, please have them try to figure out why, if they cannot figure out where they make their mistake, then you or their teacher can assist them. They should be sure to show any work for Math or other problems.